Every Sunday, NEPA Creative turns the spotlight on some awesome creatives. This week, we have Allison LaRussa!

Allison is an artist and graduate of Marywood University. She has worked in the drug and alcohol field for the last 6 years, incorporating the creative arts within substance use treatment. She has witnessed the immense impact that increasing self-expression and confidence, as well as creating a safe and nurturing outlet, has had within her clients. 

In her personal life, Allison uses art as her own therapy, painting in a free flow of emotion. Allison has been involved in the local arts community for over ten years, and enjoys seeing the connection art can have with one another. Her most painted subjects include nature and the female body. She believes we are so intrinsically connected to the earth. Through creating, we tap into our subconscious, release and let go. 

Allison also enjoys creating custom work, including pet portraits, homes and whatever you envision!

To see more of Allison’s work, follow her on Instagram @thisrebornheart and visit her Etsy. If you are interested in being featured as part of our Sunday Spotlight series, click here!

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