On Sundays, we turn the spotlight on some great creatives. This week, we have Paxton Postlethwaite!

Paxton is a freelance graphic designer and graduate of Wilkes University’s class of 2023, specializing in branding. Her works focuses on color and typography, but loves tackling all manners of design. Her services include brand kits, logo design, packaging/apparel design, layout design and digital marketing design.  

When she was young, she would watch one of her grandfathers paint and draw. From there, Paxton’s path changed a bit. In high school she took up photography and in college she initially majored in Criminology. However, it wasn’t until she took a random design media class did she fall in love with graphic design and changed her major three weeks later. 

Her creative process varies from client to client, but typically she has the client fill out a creative brief. This is in order for Paxton to see exactly what the client is looking for and to give her a starting point for research. After, she’ll brainstorm ideas by sketching or by diving right into her software! 

Paxton finds inspiration by exploring — seeing things (old or new) gives her ideas for what she could possibly create. Being creative to Paxton means staying open-minded about everything. 

You can follow Paxton on Facebook, Instagram, and on her website. 

✍️Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/paxton.postlethwaite.1/

📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paxtondesigns/

🌐 Website: https://www.paxtondesigns.com/

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