Every Sunday, NEPA Creative turns the spotlight on some awesome creatives. This week, we have Keith Renard!

Born and raised in Scranton, PA, Artist Keith Renard presides in Scranton with his husband Joey and their two fur babies, Nemo and Freddy.  Keith has always dabbled in the arts and has continued to master his techniques and artistic style over the years.  He is known for his Sharpie drawings, pet portraits, and currently his most popular creations, Hand Painted Teabags.  Recently some of his artwork was featured on Lipton’s Corporate Social Media pages, showcasing this very unique art form.  New this year, Keith is creating hand painted wooden ornaments as well.

There are several ways that you can view and purchase artwork by Keith Renard:

  1. Facebook
  2. Facebook Group: Artwork by Keith Renard’s STUDIO GALLERY & SHOP
  3. eBay
  4. Instagram
  5. Etsy

If you are interested in being featured as part of our Sunday Spotlight series, click here!

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